剑桥雅思12Test6Passage1阅读答案解析 The risks agriculture faces in developing countries

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剑桥雅思12Test6Passage1阅读答案解析 The risks agriculture faces in developing countries

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剑桥雅思12Test6Passage1阅读答案解析 The risks agriculture faces in developing countries 发展中国家农业所面临的风险



雅思真题阅读词汇 剑桥雅思12 test 6 passage 1 发展中国家农业风险the risks agriculture faces in developing countries

剑桥雅思12Test6Passage1雅思阅读原文翻译 The risks agriculture faces in developing countries 发展中国家农业面临的风险

剑桥雅思12 Test6 Passage1阅读答案解析


对应原文:A段:Two things distinguish food production from all other productive activities: first, every single person needs food each day and has a right to it; and second, it is hugely dependent on nature.



对应原文:B段:However, smallholder farmers in developing countries must in addition deal with adverse environments, both natural, in terms of soil quality, rainfall, etc., and human, in terms of infrastructure, financial systems, markets, knowledge and technology.

答案解析:B段一开始先列举了一般农民所面对的困难,随后又特意说明文章来自老烤鸭雅思发展中国家小户农民所必须面对的不利环境 。其中发展中国家对应题干中的certain parts of the world,adverse environments以及随后的举例对应challenges,由此确定答案为B。


对应原文:H段:One commentator, Giel Ton, warned that collective action does not come as a free good. It takes time, effort and money to organise, build trust and to experiment. 



对应原文:E段:Rokeya Kabir … studies show that sixty percent of beneficiaries of subsidies are not poor, but rich landowners and non-farmer traders.’

答案解析:Rokeya Kabir认为,研究表示60%的补助受益人并非贫困人群,而是富裕的地主和非农商人。即政府的财政资助并不总是能够到达需要它的农民手中。由此确定D为答案。


对应原文:H段:According to Murphy, ‘collective action offers an important way for farmers to strengthen their political and economic bargaining power, and to reduce their business risks.’



对应原文:E段:Shenggen Fan … held up social safety nets and public welfare programmes …  as valuable ways to address poverty among farming families

答案解析:Fan认为社会保障和公共福利项目是解决农民家庭贫困问题的重要方式。前者对应financial assistance from the government,后者对应improve the standard of living,由此确定答案为C。


对应原文:I段:Sonali Bisht … wrote that community-supported agriculture, where consumers invest in local farmers by subscription and guarantee producers a fair price, is a risk-sharing model worth more attention.

答案解析:Sonali Bisht的主张为,消费者直接向当地农民购买商品,这样可以分担风险。即购买商品的人为农民投入资金。由此确定G为答案。


对应原文:D段:Sophia Murphy … suggested that the procurement and holding of stocks by governments can also help mitigate wild swings in food prices by alleviating uncertainties about market supply.

答案解析:Murphy认为,政府采购和储藏可以通过降低市场供给的不确定性来减轻食物价格的波动。mitigate wild swings in food prices对应reduce variation in prices,由此确定答案为B。


对应原文:D段:Kanayo F. Nwanze … argued that governments can significantly reduce risks for farmers by providing basic services like roads to get produce more efficiently to markets, or water and food storage facilities to reduce losses. 

答案解析:这句话中的road,water and food storage facilities都是基础设施的具体距离,因此判断D为答案。


对应原文:G段:Many essayists mentioned climate change and its consequences for small-scale agriculture.



对应原文:I段:market price volatility is often worsened by the presence of intermediary purchasers who, taking advantage of farmers’ vulnerability, dictate prices. 



对应原文: H段:all stakeholders, including business, government, scientists and civil society, must work together, starting at the beginning of the value chain.

答案解析:H段一整段都在描述互助对农民的帮助。最后一句又特别强调,所有利益相关方一起行动起来。对应C选项中organising cooperation。由此确定答案。


对应原文:I段:consumers invest in local farmers by subscription and guarantee producers a fair price

答案解析:I段中后部提到,消费者可以通过订购并许诺公平的价格来投资当地农民。其中invest对应take a financial stake,由此确定D为答案。

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